Answered By: Marsha Spiegelman
Last Updated: Aug 10, 2015     Views: 39

There are several databases you can use to find articles on single parents' behavior. 

1. Go to the databases link on the library homepage.

2. Click on I and then click on Infotrac General Onefile.

3. Enter the subject Single Parents.

4. Click on the subdivisions once the results are returned.  

5. Click on Behavior and then scroll through the articles that are returned.  You can read the articles online or print them.

If you need scholarly or peer-reviewed articles, try Academic Search Complete or Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection from the database list.  

1. Enter the terms single parent behavior

2. Use the peer-reviewed limiter on the left once your results have been displayed. You may read the articles online or print them.

If you are looking for specific behaviors, or these articles do not meet your needs, please come to the reference desk and speak with a librarian.

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